Ginkgo Fermentation Services

Leverage our fleet of >100 Sartorius Ambr® 250 bioreactors and fully operationalized workflows. Ginkgo’s fermentation services provide data, analysis, and optional sample return with simple and flexible terms to help you gain insights and drive improvements to your strain’s performance.

Our Packaged Solutions


Fermentation Data Service

You design the experiment and perform the analysis, we perform the experiments and deliver the data. Access our fleet of Sartorius Ambr® 250 bioreactors and fleet of analytical instruments to explore your strain's performance across multiple fermentation and media conditions in your Design of Experiment. The base service delivers a fermentation data package including execution logs, online instrument readings, and biomass with substrate and product quantitation of secreted fermentation products, such as sugars, organic acids, amino acids, and other metabolites (e.g. central carbon metabolites, nucleotides, and cofactors) using HPLC and LCMS. Optional experimental upgrades include transcriptomics, global proteomics, and intracellular metabolomics measurements.

Fee-for-service style pricing. No downstream-value share. Customer retains full data re-use rights.


Fermentation Data + Expert Analysis Service

Pair our fermentation data service with customized ML-enabled analysis to obtain deep physiological, genetic, and chemical insight into your strain’s performance. In this service, we apply statistical and knowledge-based analytical workflows to the generated fermentation and optional multi-omics data and return a report. This expert-prepared scientific report offers deeper insights into how your strain is responding to various conditions, which genes and pathways may be enhancing or inhibiting production of your molecules, and recommendations for further strain and process improvements. Delivers a fermentation data package including secreted fermentation products and metabolites data plus a biosystems diagnostic expert-prepared analysis report. Optional experimental upgrades include transcriptomics, global proteomics, and intracellular metabolomics measurements. Optional consultation upgrade includes collaboration on Design of Experiment.

Fee-for-service style pricing. No downstream-value share. Customer retains full data re-use rights.

Case Study

Improving Titer with Process Optimization

Read how we incorporate high technology into our fermentation processes to rapidly optimize process parameters for scale up.

Ginkgo offers our biopharma partners custom R&D projects as well as products and packaged services. Get in contact with our experts today to design your perfect solution.

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